India 18th most desirable place to work, US tops list 07/10/2014

India 18th most desirable place to work, US tops list
07/10/2014 16:15
According to a study, India has been ranked 18th globally among the most desirable destinations to work, even as 70-80 per cent of Indians are willing to work in an overseas location.
The US has been ranked on the top, followed by the UK, Canada, Germany and Switzerland, making them the five most desirable countries to work on the list compiled by the Boston Consulting Group, total and The Network.
The other countries in the top 10, where foreigners said they would like to work include -- France (6th), Australia (7th), Spain (8th), Italy (9th) and Sweden (10th).
As a desirable work destination, India was ranked 18th among G20 nations.
The report noted that most people are willing to uproot themselves and head for a foreign country for work mainly because they want to broaden their life experience and that of their families.
"The proportion of people willing to work abroad is particularly high in countries that are still developing economically or are experiencing political instability," the survey said adding that more than 97 per cent of Pakistanis say they would be willing to go abroad for work.
Around 94 per cent of survey respondents in Netherlands said they would consider moving to another country for work. In France, where the economy has been showing signs of stagnating, the same proportion (94 per cent) is willing to leave home.
On the other hand, people in the US, Germany and the UK -- three economies that have rebounded more convincingly -- are not as willing to go abroad for work